Congregational Resources
Best Practice / Brief Guides
These guides, which are frequently updated, are intended to provide the best practices and a guide to getting starting in a particular area of ministry.
- Overview of Audism (August 2020)
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- Deaf Ministry Best Practices Resource Guide (January 2018)
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- Deaf Awareness Sunday guide (April 2024)
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- Brief Guide to Beginning a Deaf Ministry
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- Brief Guide: Ministry with Hard of Hearing and Late-Deafened People (June 2017)
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- Brief Guide to Hospitality for Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Visitors (June 2017)
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- Brief Guide to Assistive Listening Devices or Systems (May 2018)
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- Brief Guide to DeafBlind Interpreting
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- A Brief Guide to Sign Language Interpreting (November 2017)
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Brochures for Deaf Ministry
These brochures can be used for Deaf Awareness Sunday, or for exhibit tables to raise awareness.
- Tips for Communicating with People who are Hard of Hearing and Late-Deafened (May 2022)
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- Guidance for Learning Deaf Culture and Sign Language (May 2023)
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- Tips for working with a Sign Language Interpreter (May 2023)
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- Guidance for a Deaf-blind ministry
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- Guidance for Implementing a Deaf Ministry (May 2023)
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- Guidance for Hospitality and a Deaf-Friendly Worship (May 2023)
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- DHM Advance Special brochure
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- UM disability ministries brochure
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Bulletin Inserts
- Basic Facts on Hearing Loss
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- Types of Hearing Loss
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- Communication Tips with Hearing Loss
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- American Sign Language
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- Common ASL Signs
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- Symptoms of Hearing Loss
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ASL Videos
- These videos were created to support non-signers wishing to learn and practice in preparation for gatherings.
- Rev. Dr. Sunny Ahn, Kona UMC, leads the Apostles' Creed:
- A collection of greetings, worship, and sharing ASL videos from the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of San Antonio
Other Guides
- For a list of recommended books, including Breaking the Sound Barrier in Your Church: Ministry & Mission With People who are Hard of Hearing or Late-Deafened, visit our Books and Media page.
- Pastoral Care and Guidance blog from Emmanuel UMC, Laurel MD
- “Create Deaf-Friendly Worship with Hospitality” by Leo Yates Jr. is available from UM Insight and the UM Disability Blog
- Baylor University, “How Can Churches and Other Organizations Be More Accessible to People with Hearing Disabilities?”
- “Etiquette and Communication” from the Disability Ministries Committee has information about communications with people who are Deaf, Deafblind, and others. The page also has a link to this disability language guide from Anabaptist Disabilities Network.
- The Mardy Walker Memorial Assistive Listening System is available for Committee use and can be loaned to congregations for trial. Rev. Beth Chenault of Strawbridge first borrowed the system from the Committee, to see if it would meet the needs of persons in their new worship service. Then a Committee grant allowed her to buy a system for worship.
Read about the Mardy Walker Memorial Assistive Listening System, including how to borrow it for evaluation in your church. - Online Sign Language Classes and Dictionary directory (May 2018)
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- Learn about the UMC ASL Glossary project, which produced ASL signs for many church terms.
Deaf Ministry Consulting
- DHM offers a variety of services such as ASL tutoring, consultation, and resource persons to help you start and promote a ministry. Contact us for assistance.