Devotional Messages
Beginning in April 2012, the web site features a devotional message each month (more or less). The video link is ASL, the other link is to the video accompanied by text.
Mary Ann DetersIsaiah 5.1-17
Billy DetersRevelation 21.12-21
Disability and Deaf Meeting White Rock UMC
Mary Ann Deters John 20.19-31
Scott Burley Ephesians 4.30
no video
Tim Vermande Deaf history
(no video)
Michelle Martin Luke 1.26-38
Carol Williams Proverbs 14.1
Barbara Reynolds John 14.27
Diana Williams Proverbs 3.5
Tom Hudspeth 1 Corinthians 12.12-13
Charles "Chas" WirickLuke 10:25-35
Lisa JordanEphesians 2:11-22